Advertisement from the New York Herald - 1911
Audubon Park Apartments - Southeast Corner B'way & 156th Str. Block from Sub. Station
The location is perfectly ideal, facing Audubon Park, commanding an unobstructed view of the Hudson River, Palisades and Riverside Drive. Best possible service. A few very choice apartments are now available.
5 and 6 Rooms, Bath, $55 - $70 Per Month.
New York Times
September 22, 1907
The Audubon section of Washington Heights is the ideal home section. Quick transit facilities - good shops, plenty of fresh air, an abundance of play room, cosy, modern apartments at reasonable rents - these are reasons why YOU should live here.
NewYork Times
September 14, 1911
In the subway boom of apartment building, individuality became an important marketing techniques in distinguishing one building from another.
The builders of the Audubon Park Apartments capitalized on the Audubon name and its proximity to Audubon Park, which in 1906 still retained its park-like nature.
Situated directly across Broadway, the Audubon Park Apartments were advertised as adding ..."the Charm of Country to the City Home."
David W. Dunlap
On Broadway

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