Family Gravestone of Clement Clarke Moore
Trinity Cemetery
On Christmas morning, shortly after 9 o'clock, a procession of Sunday school children and parishioners of the Chapel of the Intercessino, Broadway and West 158th Street, will form in front of the chapel and march with banners and trumpets to Trinity Cemetery, at Broadway and 155th Street, where Clement C. Moore, author of " 'Twas the Night Before Christmas" lies buried. A fresh wreath will be placed over the grave while the procession sings carols. New York Times
December 24, 1913
Upper Broadway traffic halted last evening just after dusk while about 500 men, women and children caryring lanterns marches over 155th Street, after attending services at the Chapel of the Intercession, to enter Trinity Cemetery, where the throng crowded down the sloping paths of the graveyard to pay homage to the graves of Clement C. Moore, author of " Twas the Night Before Christmas," and Alfred Tennyson Dickens, son of Charles Dickens.
New York Times
December 25, 1931
Though literary critics still quibble over the authorship of "A Visit from St. Nicholas," 300 children and adults made the thirty-seventh annual pilgrimage yesterday to the grave of Dr. Clement Clarke Moore. Firmly believing that he wrote the jolly Christmas poem, they gathered with lanterns held high in Trinity Cemetery to sing "O Come All Ye Faithful."
New York Times
December 25, 1947

Every Christmas Eve since 1911 the children of the Chapel of the Intercession have made a pilgrimage to his grave down the hillside. The children, with their parents and other grown-ups, first gather in the Chapel for the service of the Feast of Lights where there takes place a symbolic lighting of candles...At the end, the Vicar reads the beloved Christmas poem to the children, who then leave the church carrying lighted lanterns handed them at the door, and march down the steep hill to the grave, where a great Christmas wreath is reverently laid on the poet's grave and the Vicar says prayers of thanksgiving and blessing. The golden Cross of the Crucifer leading the procession gleams in the darkness from the flame of the torches carried by two acolytes, and the flickering lanterns shine softly in the dusk.
Churchyards of Trinity Parish in the City of New York
Audubon Park Historic District
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Funded by the Audubon Park Alliance