Audubon Park Historic District
Detail of 789 Riverside Drive roofline
779/789 Riverside Drive (Crillon Court - reconstruction of entrance)
779/789 Riverside Drive sits on deep pilings like its neighbors 775 and 765 Riverside Drive. Extensive repairs to the large garage beneath its entry courtyard in the early 2000s necessitated removal and reinstallation of the courtyard and entry gates that separate it from the street. Happily, the ornate ironwork is back in place and the courtyard replanted. (For additional pictures click here.)
To the left and right of the entry double windows alternate with intricate brickwork crowned with a medallion at each floor, carrying the eye up to a balcony at the sixth floor, and an ornate cornice that stretches across the top of each of the buildings two wings.
Directly in front of Crillon Court is the Charles and Murray Gordon Memorial Park and two doors away is

Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Isot van Biema of 789 Riverside Drive, daughter of Mrs. Hilde Rochat van Biema of Geneva, Switzerland, and W. W. van Biema of Baden, Germany to Dr. Howard Kenneth Weisberg, son of Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Weisberg of New York. The wedding will take place in the spring.
The prospective bridge attended schools in Switzerland and was graduated from the Reinhardt Seminar for Drama and Art in Vienna.
Dr. Weisberg, who was graduated form the Long Island College Medical School, is on the staffs of University Hospital of the New York University-Bellevue Medical Center and Jewish Memorial Hospital.
New York Times
January 20, 1952
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